Sunday, April 1

journal covers

i made a couple of journal covers to fit standard composition notebooks. the ground fabric was fun to make, but i had some difficulty with putting it all together. sewing isn't my thing so trying to figure what to sew where was kind of hard, but it all came together pretty well in the end. the fabric was hand dyed by me, then embellished with paints and stamping, and a bit of angelina and decorative stitching. i think if i do more i will incorporate elastic into the edge to keep it nice and tight against the journal.


Kate North said...

Love the journal cover, chaos. That's one of the next things on my list of stuff to try. in all my spare time...

Dahn said...

For not being a sewer, you did a great job on the journal! I like the idea of using elastic to wrap around the book--I'm going to do that in the future too. :-)
